A great way to reveal a chosen playing card, pass information to a spectator or just add some comedy into your mind reading or card tricks act.
With fantastic, you can take a deck of playing cards and have one chosen. Then when you announce the name of the chosen playing card, you get it completely wrong. Opps, not good at all. No problem, try again... but you are wrong again!
You start to panic about the situation and get hot and bothered, so you pull out a mini electric fan. When you turn the fan on, everyone can see a brightly written message displays on the blades of the fan as they spin around. The name of the selected playing card magically appears! It's as easy to do, as flipping on a switch! Fantastic, can be used whenever you need to name a card, or even to que an assistant in a .
You can use this as a serious prediction tool or as a bit of silly fun, to get some laughs in your card tricks act.